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American Chillers #5: Terrible Tractors of Texas
American Chillers #5: Terrible Tractors of Texas

#5 Terrible Tractors of Texas

Your Price: $6.99
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Part Number:AC05DH
It was July. The middle of summer vacation. Time to have fun! But by the fall of night, everything would change. The fun would be over...and the terror would begin.
5 Stars
terrible tracters of texas
This great book i have read is one of my favorite out of johnathan rands series of books. Not only tractors come to life but the whole farm is destroyed. The demonlike tractors are trapping 3 kids alone in the farm,house and even neighbors house. There is a way to escape but it is if they can get to it.
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Reviewed by:  from ca. on 11/19/2011
5 Stars
terrible tractors of texas
this book rocks! because i love tractors!
Did you find this helpful?  5 of 6 Found Helpful
Reviewed by:  from farmington hills. on 1/18/2014

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